Music Reading
1. Low Register Keys (C, G and F)
4 Topics
1. Open Position – Key of “C” Major
2. Second Position – Key of “C” Major
3. Open Position – Key of “G” Major
4. Second Position – Key of “F” Major
2. Low Register (Keys: A, D, E♭, A♭)
4 Topics
1. Second Position – Key of “A” Major
2. Second Position – Key of “D” Major
3. Open Position – Key of “E♭” Major
4. Second Position – Key of “A♭” Major
3. Mid Register (Keys: C, F, B♭, E♭)
4 Topics
1. Fifth Position – Key of “C” Major
2. Fifth Position – Key of “F” Major
3. Fifth Position – Key of “B♭” Major
4. Fifth Position – Key of “E♭” Major
4. Mid Register (Keys: G, D, A, E)
4 Topics
1. Fourth Position – Key of “G” Major
2. Fourth & Fifth Position – Key of “D” Major
3. Fourth Position – Key of “A” Major
4. Fourth Position – Key of “E” Major
5. Upper-Mid Register (Keys: C, D, F, G)
4 Topics
1. Seventh Position – Key of “C” Major
2. Sixth & Seventh Position – Key of “D” Major
3. Seventh Position – Key of “F” Major
4. Seventh Position – Key of “G” Major
6. Upper-Mid Register (Keys: E♭, D, G, A♭)
4 Topics
1. Seventh & Eighth Position – Key of “E♭” Major
2. Ninth Position – Key of “D” Major
3. Eighth, Ninth & Tenth Position – Key of “G” Major
4. Eighth Position – Key of “A♭” Major
7. Upper Register (Keys: C, G, B♭, F)
4 Topics
1. Twelfth Position – Key of “C” Major
2. Eleventh and Twelfth Position – Key of “G” Major
3. Eleventh & Twelfth Position – Key of “B♭” Major
4. Twelfth Position – Key of “F” Major
8. Upper Register (Keys: E, A, D E♭)
4 Topics
1. Eleventh Position – Key of “E” Major
2. Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Position – Key of “A” Major
3. Tenth, Eleventh & Twelfth Position – Key of “D” Major
4. Twelfth Position – Key of “E♭” Major
9. Low /Mid Positions (Keys: C, F, D, G)
4 Topics
1. Open to 5th Position Shifting (Key of C)
2. Open to 5th Position Shifting (Key of F)
3. Open and Fourth Positions (Key of D)
4. Open, Third and Fifth Positions (key of G)
10. Low /Mid Positions (Keys: A, B♭, E, A♭)
4 Topics
1. First to Fifth Position Shifting (Key of A)
2. First to Fifth Position Shifting (Key of B♭)
3. First and Fifth Positions (Key of E)
4. First to Sixth Positions (Key of E)
11. Mid-Range Positions (Keys: C, F, B♭, E♭)
4 Topics
1. Third to fifth Position Shifting (Key of C)
2. Fifth to Seventh Position Shifting (Key of F)
3. Third and Sixth Positions (Key of B♭)
4. Third to Eighth Positions (key of E♭)
12. Mid-Range Positions (Keys: G, A♭, D, A)
4 Topics
1. Third to fifth Position Shifting (Key of G)
2. Third to Sixth Position Shifting (Key of A♭)
3. Third and Seventh Positions (Key of D)
4. Third to Eighth Positions (key of A)
13. Upper Register Shifting (Keys: C, D, F, G)
4 Topics
1. Fifth to Tenth Position Shifting (Key of C)
2. Fifth to Ninth Position Shifting (Key of D)
3. Fifth to Tenth Positions (Key of F)
4. Seventh to Twelfth Positions (key of G)
14. Upper Register Shifting (Keys: B♭, E♭, A, E)
4 Topics
1. Fifth to Tenth Position Shifting (Key of B♭)
2. Fourth to Eleventh Position Shifting (Key of E♭)
3. Fifth to Fourteenth Positions (Key of A)
4. Sixth to Fourteenth Positions (key of E)
15. Chart Reading – Verse /Chorus (32 bars)
4 Topics
1. Verse “Section A” (Measures 1 – 8)
2. Verse “Section B” (Measures 9 – 16)
3. Chorus and Bridge (Measures 17 – 24)
4. Bridge and Outro. (Measures 25 – 32)
16. Bach Suite No. 1 (vi.Gigue)
4 Topics
1. Part One (Measures 1 – 9)
2. Part Two (Measures 10 – 17)
3. Part Three (Measures 18 – 25)
4. Part Four (Measures 26 – 35)
17. Royal Garden Blues
5 Topics
1. Introduction to Playing “Royal Garden Blues”
2. Part One (Measures 1 – 12)
3. Part Two (Measures 13 – 20)
4. Part Three (Measures 21 – 28)
5. Part Four (Measures 29 – 36)
18. Bach: Cantata 140 (4th Movement)
5 Topics
1. Discussion about the history of Bach’s “Cantata 140.”
2. First section with repeat endings (Measures 1 – 8)
3. Part Two (Measures 9 – 13)
4. Part Three (Measures 14 – 22)
5. Part Four (Measures 23 – 27)
19. Venetian Moon
5 Topics
1. A discussion about the history of the song “Venetian Moon.”
2. First section, Intro with repeat endings (Measures 1 – 8)
3. Part Two, Verse (Measures 9 – 24)
4. Part Three, Chorus (Measures 25 – 40)
5. Part Four, Chorus Two and Outro. (Measures 41 – 56)
20. Mozart Clarinet Concerto – 2nd Movement
5 Topics
1. A discussion about the study piece for this lesson “Clarinet Concerto – 2nd Movement.”
2. First section with repeat endings (Measures 1 – 8)
3. Part Two (Measures 9 – 16)
4. Part Three (Measures 17 – 24)
5. Part Four (Measures 25 – 32)
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20. Mozart Clarinet Concerto – 2nd Movement
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