8 Pages of Course Material
Reading Music Notation:
The reading position review concludes with the student being asked to compose an original piece. A Guitar Duet study is the final song of the course. MP3 audio tracks, (included with product purchase), which include recordings for both guitar parts of the Duet, for at home practice. A Reading “Speed Drill” is the final piece for the course.
Guitar Theory:
A thorough explanation of eighth-notes is given, along with eighth-note written assignments. A section is included covering the theory and use of “Intervals.” The final Music Theory assignment is a Key Signature Theory Review covering the most popular Sharp and Flat Keys used in general composition.
Chords and Rhythm Guitar:
The final Chords and Rhythm Guitar assignment is a Chord Progression Compositional exercise. The student is requested to compose an original chord progression using any of the chords covered during the Introductory Guitar Course.