Guitar Soloing
1. Constructing a Solo on Guitar
2 Topics
1. Limited Note Choice, Unisons and Articulation
2. Line Direction, Speed and Flow
2. Composing Your Way to Great Solos
2 Topics
1. Composing Melody and Altering Groove
2. Follow-up and Recurring Statements
3. The Power of Recurring Melody
2 Topics
1. The “AAAB” and “ABAB” Formula
2. The “AABA” and “AABC” Formula
4. If You Can’t Phrase – You Can’t Solo
2 Topics
1. Simple Scale Lines and Rhythmic Anticipation
2. Dressed Up and Exaggerated Phrasing
5. Multiple Position Whole Neck Soloing
2 Topics
1. Two Part Ascending and Descending Phrases
2. Organizing Fingerings and Multi-Position Melody
6. Melodic Contrast Through Dissonance
2 Topics
1. Non-Diatonic and Chromaticism
2. Altered and Diminished Scale Ideas
7. Often Overlooked Blues Scale Applications
2 Topics
1. Rock, Funk, Minor, Dominant and Altered
2. Soul, R and B, with Blues-Rock
8. Killer Solos with 3-Note Triads
2 Topics
1. Fillers for Single-Notes and Chord Tracking
2. Chord Punches and Arpeggio Color Tones
9. Stronger Phrasing with Call and Response
2 Topics
1. Similar and Different Scale Tones
2. Diverse Rhythms and Lines with Chords
10. Tracking the Arrival of Chords
2 Topics
1. Tracking Single and Multiple Chords
2. Extended and Altered with Matched Rhythms
11. Acoustic Lead for Skill and Confidence
2 Topics
1. Single-Tone Runs and Two-note Chord Soloing
2. Acoustic Technique and Lead
12. Flashy Attention Getting Ideas
2 Topics
1. Sweeps, Hammer-ons and Pull-offs
2. Slides and Bends
13. Soloing with Dorian Mode
2 Topics
1. Bass Note Drone and Color Tones
2. Vital Color Tones and Non-Diatonic
14. Soloing with Mixolydian Mode
2 Topics
1. Mixolydian I-VII and Dominant 7
2. Cadence and Non-Diatonic 7th’s
15. Soloing with Lydian Mode
2 Topics
1. Lydian I-II and 7th-Chord Harmony
2. Lydian Maj.7(♭5) and Major 9(♯11)
16. Covering Outside Chord Changes
2 Topics
1. Borrowed and Non-Diatonic Harmony
2. Secondary Dominant, Linear and Chromatic
17. Sequence Your Way to Great Solos
2 Topics
1. Major Pentatonic (Straight and Triple Meter)
2. Sequencing in Groups and Intervals
18. Better Lines with More Feeling
2 Topics
1. Long Duration, Avoided Downbeats and Bending
2. Arpeggios, Position Slides and Lateral Melody
19. Copying Guitar Solos
2 Topics
1. Hendrix, Stevie Ray, Van Halen, Joe Perry
2. Skynyrd, Allman Bros, Metheny and Scofield
20. Final Review: Tying it All Together
2 Topics
1. Working Across the Whole Neck
2. Tone Targeting, Flash, and Soulful Feel
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19. Copying Guitar Solos
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