Master Class
1. Harmony Guides the Melody
2 Topics
1. Triad and Seventh Chord Harmony
2. Extensions, Modal and Non-Diatonic Harmony
2. Linking Long Guitar Lines
2 Topics
1. Outside the Box and Linking Long Phrases
2. Linking Long Lines (8th and 16th Duration)
3. Foundational Techniques of Guitar
2 Topics
1. Hand Position and Technical Skill
2. Layering, Chords, Melody and Groove
4. Beginners Guide to Guitar Solos
2 Topics
1. Resolving into Tonal Center and Chord Tones
2. Famous Player Licks
5. Box Neck Learning Systems
2 Topics
1. Box Rhythm, Keys and Melody
2. The Large and Small Rectangle Box
6. Popular Guitar Chords in All Keys
2 Topics
1. Major I-IV-V and Diatonic Substitutes
2. Minor I-IV-V and Diatonic Substitutes
7. Electric Country-Western Swing Blues
3 Topics
1. Straight-time to Swing and the Blues Intervals
2. Country Swing Blues Chords and Melody
3. BONUS Country Licks
8. Tasty Lead Fills for Chords
2 Topics
1. Fills Matched to Double-stops and Triads
2. Fills Matched to 7th-chords and Modal Harmony
9. Guitar Finger Practice for Accuracy and Control
2 Topics
1. Two, Three, Four and Five String Picking Drills
2. Developing Legato and String Skipping
10. Easy Chord Tracking with Pentatonic Scales
2 Topics
1. Tracking Major and Minor Chords with Pentatonic
2. Tracking Seventh Chords with Pentatonic
11. Exercises to Improve Phrasing and Feel
2 Topics
1. Developing Phrases and Rhythms
2. Improve and Enhance Phrasing (Technical)
12. Soloing with Lateral Pentatonic Scales
2 Topics
1. Connecting Major and Minor Pentatonic Scales
2. Ascending and Descending with the Pentatonic Scale
13. Increased Fretboard Coverage
2 Topics
1. Melodic Association and Altering Meter
2. Fingerboard Coverage and Modifications
14. Pentatonic Scales for Rock Guitar
2 Topics
1. Two-String Minor and the Double Box Shape
2. Sequencing Laterally and Sweep Picking
15. Funky Melodic Guitar Parts
2 Topics
1. Melodic Parts and Extended Dominant
2. Embellishments and Doubled Guitar
16. Scale and Arpeggio Phrasing
2 Topics
1. Redesigned Major and Minor Melody
2. Creating and Transforming with Arpeggios
17. Hungarian Minor Scale in Contemporary Music
4 Topics
1. Harmony and Chord Progressions
2. Expanding Hungarian Minor Content
3. Neck Patterns and Drills
4. Contemporary Harmony and Melody
18. Secret Ingredients for Killer Melodies
2 Topics
1. Melody Displacement and Guitar Harmony
2. Wide Interval and Small Chord Melody
19. Comping and Soloing Rhythms
4 Topics
1. Folk and Rock – Feel, Groove and Variation
2. Blues Shuffle – Harmony and Voicings
3. Jazz Rhythms – Sparse and Syncopated
4. Country Rhythm – Passing Lines and Bass Notes
20. Drop “D” Guitar Riffs
2 Topics
1. Southern Rock and Country Folk Ballad Riffs
2. Dorian and Mixolydian Mode Riffs
21. Rock Blues Groove (Riffs Lesson)
2 Topics
1. Blues Rock Shuffle and Straight
2. Triplet Shuffle and Heavy Groove
22. Ragtime Guitar Progressions
2 Topics
1. Alternate Bass and Syncopated Feel
2. Composing Endings and Ragtime Boogie
23. Common Jazz Chord Connections
2 Topics
1. Linear, Fixed and Non-Diatonic Harmony
2. Chord Tricks and Connection Techniques
24. From Guitar Scale to Lead Guitar
2 Topics
1. Establishing Themes and Rhythmic Content
2. Segments, Sequences and Multi-Position Phrases
25. Fingerboard Quantum Leap – 3 Note Chords
2 Topics
1. Position Options and Inversion Process
2. Triad Stacks and Filler Licks
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13. Increased Fretboard Coverage
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