Developing guitar chords up to higher physical and theoretical skill levels will require making associations of chord qualities to the harmony of a key signature. The learning process involved with this area of study will require an understanding of triad and seventh chords, key signatures and the process of harmonization. Part One of this lesson explains how the process operates step-wise “along” the span of the fingerboard (horizontally)…
One of the best ways to study chords along and across the guitar neck is to practice playing harmonized scales in both the triad (3-notes) and the seventh chord (4-notes) chord qualities.
The harmonized chord scale idea that we will be studying in this lesson will work well for learning harmonized scales and their associated chords.
The reason behind why this method has such successful results for guitar players has to do with how this systems learning process focuses directly upon each of the the harmonized major scale degrees.
After the chord step qualities are memorized (for each of the scale degrees), it gives the guitar player a collection of the most popular chord types that are used in all styles of today’s music.
These chords include:
• Major Triad and Major Seventh
• Minor Triad and Minor Seventh
• Diminished Triad and Minor Seven Flat-Five
• Dominant Seventh Chord
Once a guitar player has developed a solid grasp of these chord types, they will be able to play many of the most popular songs in all styles found in contemporary music, classical music and jazz.
To develop these chord types along and across the guitar neck you will need to understand the major key harmony out of the major scale.
Study the key of “C Major” harmonized scale shown below. Notice the chord movement from the scales tonic of “C.”
The chords travel in a pattern of harmony that is the same for every major key. The triad harmony functions as; Major, Minor, Minor, Major, Major, Minor, Diminished. Play these chords in order on your guitar.
Playing seventh chords along the neck using the “C” Major scale tones as roots will give you a harmony similar to triads, (with slight chord quality variations).
Study the key of “C Major” Seventh Chord Harmony (shown below). Perform the chords on your guitar to form an understanding for the sound and the manner in that each chord movement occurs along and across the neck.
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