• Practicing Unusual Fretting
• The 12-Key Program to Improv. Mastery
• Voicing 7th Chords and Beyond
• The Duration Workout Exercise
Once the basic barre chords are practiced it's time to begin work on new chord shapes. Some will make you reach, bend, stretch and barre like never before. But, the payoff is that even discovering a few new shapes, will mean cool new sounds.
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The 12-Key Program to Improv. Mastery
Improvisation of long flowing melodic passages is an art on the guitar that takes a special practice routine. The video lesson demonstrates how transposing helps with the creation of spontaneous melodic lines.
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Creating chord voicings for 7th chords and larger types begins with a firm understanding of how we lay out the 7th's. Once a player is clear on this, many other shapes will make more sense on the neck.
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Since timing can be a nightmare for many players, this lesson starts with the most basic rhythm durations. Stress is placed upon; the use of a metronome, counting in rhythmic solfeggio, and tapping the foot.
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