• The Speed Practice System
• Ten Strum Pattern Exercises
• Making Money as a Musician
• Modal Arpeggio Workout
• Line Dependent Chord Patterns
Finding time to practice each day can sometimes be tough. And, if you have a lot of goals for your guitar playing, finding that time and accomplishing those goals is critical. However, the world of Speed Practicing is a fantastic way to cover lots of material within a very short time frame.
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Ten Strumming Pattern Exercises
Developing solid rhythm guitar skill comes from a combination of learning to properly feel both time and rhythmic duration. The meter of almost any rhythmic phrase will either be straight or triple meter time. Therefore an awareness for both of these feels is vital.
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Making Money as a Musician (2014 Edition)
This video presentation is a re-cap of the popular series posted back in 2009 of the same name. In this video I review what has both changed and what has stayed the same when it comes to Making Money as a Musician.
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Recognizing chord changes and chord quality are not an easy ear training skill to develop. However, the early studies of this skill are made easier through arpeggiating each chord and by working through short exercises.
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When the tones of one chord move smoothly into the tones of another within a progression we have voicing leading occur. As the voices blend they create chord pattern movements that are dependent upon a melodic line. This type of chord progression is very desirable due to its strong sense of melodic balance.
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