• The Chord Formation Method
• Combining Mixolydian and Minor Pentatonic
• Harmonic Tension and Resolution • Guitar-Based Pop Music
Any player wanting to increase their chord volcabulary can triple their chord knowledge by taking chords already known, and shifting the notes over to other string groups. Generally, at least two other shapes can be possible with any one voicing. All it takes is a little fret-board knowledge and some dedicated time applied to the study of chord voicings.
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Combining Mixolydian and Minor Pentatonic
Guys like Jimmy Page and Eddie Van Halen constantly jam out classic blues rock licks and riffs by using a very cool process. This involves overlaying two great scales taking advantage of each of their unique intervals. These scales include the Mixolydian Mode and the Minor Pentatonic.
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Harmonic Tension and Resolution
Regardless of the style of music being played, tension and resolution are almost universally the same. For the most part, this movement in harmony occurs using the Dominant 7th chord. Once the fundamentals of chord movement, (and their resolution to a resting place becomes understood), musicians can both write and comprehend phrases by ear much easier.
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It's safe to say that the musical style of Guitar-Based Pop has pretty near dominated the charts for decades now. Dozens of bands have placed the guitar up-front as the instrument to stand out and push their songs flow and groove. This has created a huge genre of music and songs that encompass a vast array of; guitar sounds, compositional methods and recording techniques.
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