Have an absolute blast jamming on a groovy Jazz /Rock /Blues feel. This “A” Mixolydian modal jam-track has a sound based upon a unique take of Major tonality. Mixolydian also includes a hint of Minor off of its seventh degree scale tone (the ♭7 note of “G”).
Jam track seven applies the Jazz-Rock-Blues sound of Major tonality with the mode of “A Mixolydian.” This mode is the fifth mode of the major scale and it acts as the principle color for performing melodic lines and phrases over the chord changes found within JamTrack seven.
Along with the Mixolydian mode, there are other scale options to try using. These include the; “A Major Pentatonic Scale,” and the arpeggios of, “A Major Triad,” as well as the, “C♯ Minor 7th” arpeggio.
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